Need a new website or need to update your existing website? RTEO can help and integrate your website with leading SMS and LMS on the market.
Need us to manage your website with updates and security, content updates on demand, and ensuring you have website experts at your fingertips?
Get lightning speed websites with daily backups, staging/live/production servers for development, all served on highly secure Google Data centres in Sydney.
Need to connect one platform to another or automate your processes? RTEO can connect nearly anything and automate your procedures.
Need to add specific custom software to your website. RTEO specialise in software and can build a solution to your needs.
Get specific elements added to your aXcelerate online enrolments integration. RTEO are experts in online enrolments and are here to help.
Have a document that needs converting to an aXcelerate compatible template? Or maybe we have a template already made for your specific needs. RTEO can help.
Need in depth aXcelerate training 1-on-1 or in a group? RTEO are aXcelerate Certified Trainers and can help in all departments of aXcelerate after your initial onboarding.
Need something specific setup within your system? We are aXcelerate Certified Partners and can help with system programming and workflows.
RTEO content manager plugin is the most advanced content manager plugin for WordPress websites in the VET industry. Manage your website content with easy to use forms with NO CODE, and add VET-compliant course content that integrate with either aXcelerate, Moodle or VETenrol. Manage documents and policies, business details (TOID, RTO Name) across the site. Custom development is also available for specific requirements
Manager your course pages and content super easy with NO CODE course builder. Build course content with the Course Builder with a simple and easy-to-use user interface. Common content fields have already been created for quick setups but if you need something specific we can add anything you like to your course builder.
Manage your staff profiles including trainers, course co-ordinators, administration. Enter their information in our easy-to-use interface. Add details like profile picture, bio, experience, title and for trainers - the courses they deliver.
As soon as you get another amazing review from one of your students, quickly add this with the testimonial builder and display it instantly on your site.
The course pages are built with the right structure to be SEO friendly and each course has a unique link which is indexable by Google.
Display your document information with our easy to use NO CODE document builder. Simply add a new document, attach the related PDF, and type in your PDF sections in the document's 'section builders' which then dynamically adds the document contents to your website. Built specifically to allow anyone to do quick updates to compliance information and to be indexed by Google for better SEO practice.
Have a new campus or temp location for delivery? Need to link this location on your course pages? No problems, the location builder will allow you to manage all your locations quick and easy within seconds.
Easily add custom sections to your course pages with an easy-to-use interface with WYSIWIG builder allowing video, images, custom content and much more...
Let RTEO design your custom builder which feeds content into your custom page template, allowing you COMPLETE control over your website's content, look and feel.
COMING SOON. Contact Us for a demo now or book in 30min demo directly on our calendar for a more detailed demonstration of the functions of the page builder. Select from our default course page templates for a quick and easy implementation process or let RTEO design a full custom course page design to your exact requirements. Course page templates fit different course categories ranging from Accredited Qualifications, Accredited Short Course, Unaccredited Short Course, Apprenticeship Courses, Recognition of Prior Learning Only, or your own specific course category.
RTEO has been working closely with aXcelerate and is an aXcelerate certified partner. RTEO is current with aXcelerate online enrolment features and overall system features to give a holistic service to aXcelerate clients.
Our websites are specifically tailored for the VET sector and education in general allowing us to master this space more than any other company in the market.
We work in the VET sector everyday on systems like aXcelerate, Moodle, VETtrak, JobReady and understand ASQA and the AQF, positioning us in a unique area of expertise.
We complete the entire project in house and offer a multitude of other Multimedia services, and most importantly…we come from a design background
We do a full compliance check on your website whether you are dealing with ASQA or Government funding bodies like SVTS and Smart & Skilled.